A Claus Porto é a mais antiga fabrica de sabonetes e perfumaria da Península Ibérica em funcionamento continuado. O seu passado, história, e a aposta num fabrico que se quis sempre artesanal, de forma a manter quer a qualidade dos produtos, quer a alma dos mesmos, está sempre presente: nas embalagens, no design e sobretudo nas combinações de fragrâncias e manipulação dos seus componentes.
Claus Porto is the oldest fabric of soaps and fragrances of the Iberian Peninsula on active. Your past, history and ensuring a production that always wanted to craft in order to maintain both the quality of products, wether them soul, is always present: on the packaging, design and especially in combinations of fragrances and handling of its components.
A crescente internacionalização da marca, têm vindo a reconhecer as suas características e o seu singular posicionamento no mercado, que aposta na qualidade impar através de uma produção artesanal, onde o "saber-fazer" de mais de um século de história é continuamente aplicado, a par da aposta em novos aromas e produtos complementares.
The international growing of the brand, have come to recognize its characteristics and its unique positioning in the market, betting on the ode quality through a craft production, where the "well-doing" techniques of more than a century of history is continuously applied, along with the investment in new fragrances and complementary products.
A nós, atrai-nos de imediato as maravilhosas embalagens cheia de design histórico, gentilmente embrulhadas à mão. Mas é depois a complexidade de aromas e suavidade dos produtos que transmitem a verdadeira essência da marca.
We were automatically attract by the wonderful packages full of historical design, gently wrapped by hand. And then the brand have the complexity of aromas and smoothness of products that transmits the true essence of Claus Porto.
Claus Porto is the oldest fabric of soaps and fragrances of the Iberian Peninsula on active. Your past, history and ensuring a production that always wanted to craft in order to maintain both the quality of products, wether them soul, is always present: on the packaging, design and especially in combinations of fragrances and handling of its components.
The international growing of the brand, have come to recognize its characteristics and its unique positioning in the market, betting on the ode quality through a craft production, where the "well-doing" techniques of more than a century of history is continuously applied, along with the investment in new fragrances and complementary products.
A nós, atrai-nos de imediato as maravilhosas embalagens cheia de design histórico, gentilmente embrulhadas à mão. Mas é depois a complexidade de aromas e suavidade dos produtos que transmitem a verdadeira essência da marca.
We were automatically attract by the wonderful packages full of historical design, gently wrapped by hand. And then the brand have the complexity of aromas and smoothness of products that transmits the true essence of Claus Porto.
Venha descobrir a Claus Porto e a sua imensa variedade de produtos,
na loja da Pura Cal em Lisboa, na LX Factory.